Race for the Iris: Path of the Heretical
  No Secrets

If you're here, you collected all eight golden skulls. Very nice. But now you're going to pay for it. Okay, it's really not that bad. There are a few tricky places that can be frustrating to begin with, but with some practice it's actually pretty easy. I also think it's a bit easier to beat Von Croy on this path.

Once you have control of Lara, sprint through the corridor Von Croy entered. When you exit, you'll need to jump over some open gaps. Be careful, they both have spikes in the bottom. If you're sprinting, don't worry, Lara will have enough momentum that she will run over the edge just enough that you can grab onto the ledge (there's also some ivy on the wall). Pull yourself up. If you don't hesitate, you are all ready to make a running jump and will land safely on the other side. Otherwise jump as you normally would.

Ahead of you is a really big gap that you'll need to jump over. Save yourself some time--keep running until you get to the very edge, then hit jump. There are some vines on the wall, so if you jump too early, you should be able to grab onto those.

Now, you want to go through a large doorway on the right. Once you're in, head left into the corridor. Coming up, you've got a really tricky sequence. This would be a VERY good time to save your game. When you exit out of the corridor, you will need to run across the bridge. It's a COLLAPSING bridge, so keep moving. Run off the end of the bridge and you'll end up on a steep slope. Jump forward and you'll land on another slope. Jump forward again (you may need to grab onto the ledge) and you'll be safe. This may take a couple tries, but don't worry, those spikes don't hurt that bad. Lara's just a drama queen.

Enter the next corridor. When you exit, vault over the mound of mud. There's a doorway on the right, just after you get off the mud. Go in through there. You may even end up in front of Von Croy. If that's the case, there will be a bridge for you to run across. Go across it and continue on. If Von Croy is ahead of you, he'll cut the bridge and you'll have to jump into the water and go through the passageway in the right corner.

You'll end up in a room with a path going across water. Go across it. If you had to take the water passage, this is where you will want to climb out. If the grate over the doorway is open, go through. If not, you'll need to climb onto the block at the right and circle around the pathway, then down some stairs.

Now you've got two large, spike-bottomed pits that you'll need to do running jumps over. Most likely, you'll end up grabbing the ivy and not the edge...might take some damage in the second pit. Pull yourself up and head forward. Turn to the left and pull yourself into the left opening. If you're ahead of Von Croy, use the bridge. If not, there's a rope hanging from the ceiling. Go through the left opening.

Turn left, then go through the hallway on the right and follow it through. As you head around, you'll be given an awkward fixed view. Be careful not to run over the edge--there's two angry boars below. There's some ivy you can climb up if needed. Run into the mouth of the buried temple and you'll drop down to a lower level.

There's an opening below, most likely in front of you or to your right, depending on how you landed. Go forward and weave your way through the passage. At the end are two doorways on the left. Take either. They both lead into the treasure room.


Proceed to the THE TOMB OF SETH